Boroughmuir High School, Viewforth, Staffroom - Monday June 12th Refreshments 3.30-4pm Presentation & Questions 4-5pm Are you thinking of studying Veterinary Medicine or a Science subject after school (such as Medicine, Zoology, Veterinary Nursing) or interested to learn more about how to get into university? What kind of things can you expect to study? What skills will you acquire? What work experience would be useful? What careers are possible? Speakers include Dr Neil Hudson, Programme Director for Equine Science and Gurpreet Grewal-Kang, Student Admissions Manager. The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies is a world leader in veterinary education, research and clinical practice at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. Opportunity to discuss careers, work experience, admissions/entrance requirements, interviews, life as a student, what studying at Edinburgh University is like, teaching methods etc. Any questions, see your Science or Guid...