
Showing posts from June, 2017

Group IT BSc Degree Apprenticeship

An opportunity from Edinburgh Guarantee and Lloyds Banking Group for someone to study for their degree and work at the same time.  For further details, follow the link below.


Starting in October 2017, the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS) will once more be running their new course for S5-S6 students at Edinburgh Zoo:  RZSS ZEBRA.  Based on the successful RZSS Science Summer School, students will be given the opportunity to take part in interactive, curriculum-linked activities within the zoo to achieve the Zoo Environment Behavioural Research Award (ZEBRA). The course is scheduled to run on Friday afternoons (2-4pm) from October to February.  More information is available on the website . Thanks to generous funding from City of Edinburgh Council, this 13 week course is free to attend for students from Edinburgh schools.

My World of Work Ambassadors

Congratulations to Michaela and Patrick from Hartington, Rhianna and Kate from Leamington, Josh and Hansikka from Viewforth and Rory and Abinaya from Westhall on being chosen as My World of Work Ambassadors.  We look forward to hearing from them around the school and at parents' events over the next year sharing the advantages of .

Career Education Standard - 7

I can develop ideas and take part in projects to make things. Have you ever organised something like a bake sale or coffee morning?  What were the different things you had to think about as part of the planning process? Perhaps you have taken part in an enterprise project like MicroTyco or Young Enterprise. Think of any projects you have taken part in where you made something - perhaps in Art, Health and Food Technology or CDT in school or outside school with the Scouts, Guides or Youth Club. If you went to a job interview and they asked you to tell them about your role in a project you had taken part in, what would you say? As an Activity Week project linked to moving to the new school building, a small group of pupils, classroom assistants, teachers and two former pupils who are now students of Art and Design in Edinburgh and Dundee,  made and collected objects that they designed to fit in the sections of the cabinet. They found and made objects which ...

Me and My Career 2 - Andrew Sutherland

This week's Me and My Career comes from transplant surgeon Andrew Sutherland. What is your job and what do you most enjoy about it?   I am a Transplant Surgeon.  The most enjoyable part of my job is working with patients.  There is nothing more gratifying than meeting a patient who you have transplanted and seeing the difference it has made to their lives. How did you get to where you are now? Medical training can be a long process but there are many different career paths within medicine that take different lengths of time.  I completed my A-levels and then took a year off to go on an expedition to the Arctic prior to starting medical school in Edinburgh.  I spent 6 years at medical school (completing my medical degree and a Bachelor of Science) prior to surgical training in London, Oxford and Edinburgh. During this time I also did a PhD in Transplant Surgery.  Although I qualified as a Doctor in 1999 I didn’t complete my trai...

Veterinary Medicine Information Afternoon

Boroughmuir High School, Viewforth, Staffroom - Monday June 12th Refreshments 3.30-4pm Presentation & Questions 4-5pm Are you thinking of studying Veterinary Medicine or a Science subject after school (such as Medicine, Zoology, Veterinary Nursing) or interested to learn more about how to get into university? What kind of things can you expect to study? What skills will you acquire? What work experience would be useful? What careers are possible? Speakers include Dr Neil Hudson, Programme Director for Equine Science and Gurpreet Grewal-Kang, Student Admissions Manager. The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies is a world leader in veterinary education, research and clinical practice at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. Opportunity to discuss careers, work experience, admissions/entrance requirements, interviews, life as a student, what studying at Edinburgh University is like, teaching methods etc. Any questions, see your Science or Guid...

Career Education Standard - 6

I can talk about my learning, my strengths and my next steps. Use WWW and EBI to help you think about how your learning in different subjects is going.  Read  your teachers' comments on your report  to identify W hat W ent W ell.   You can probably figure this out for yourself as well.  Your learning would be E ven B etter I f you did what?  This will help you to identify your next steps. Do you know what your strengths are?  If you are not sure, ask one of your friends or someone else you trust to be honest with you.