Veterinary Medicine Information Afternoon
- Boroughmuir High School, Viewforth, Staffroom - Monday June 12th
- Refreshments 3.30-4pm
- Presentation & Questions 4-5pm
Are you thinking of studying Veterinary Medicine or a Science subject after school (such as Medicine, Zoology, Veterinary Nursing) or interested to learn more about how to get into university?
- What kind of things can you expect to study?
- What skills will you acquire?
- What work experience would be useful?
- What careers are possible?
Speakers include Dr Neil Hudson, Programme Director for Equine Science and Gurpreet Grewal-Kang, Student Admissions Manager.
The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies is a world leader in veterinary education, research and clinical practice at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.
Opportunity to discuss careers, work experience, admissions/entrance requirements, interviews, life as a student, what studying at Edinburgh University is like, teaching methods etc.
Any questions, see your Science or Guidance teacher or Mr Hembury (Lab3.13) -
Sign up sheet is outside lab 3.13