Me and My Career 2 - Andrew Sutherland
This week's Me and My Career comes from transplant surgeon Andrew Sutherland.
What is your job and what do you most enjoy about it?
am a Transplant Surgeon. The most enjoyable part of my job is working
with patients. There is nothing more gratifying than meeting a patient
who you have transplanted and seeing the difference it has made to their lives.
How did you get to where you are now?
Medical training can be a long process but there are many different career
paths within medicine that take different lengths of time. I completed my
A-levels and then took a year off to go on an expedition to the Arctic prior to
starting medical school in Edinburgh. I spent 6 years at medical school
(completing my medical degree and a Bachelor of Science) prior to surgical
training in London, Oxford and Edinburgh. During this time I also did a PhD in
Transplant Surgery. Although I qualified as a Doctor in 1999 I didn’t
complete my training until 2014. The good thing is that although you are
training in surgery for a long time you are also delivering the service (and
earning a salary!).
What do you wish you had known when you were still at school?
Although I have no regrets about studying medicine which is a very vocational
subject, I didn’t realise at school that you don’t have to study a subject at
university that you are planning a career in. Many people study their
favourite subject and then use a good degree qualification to get a job in a
career completely unrelated to that subject.