
Seasonal Jobs Waldorf Astoria Edinburgh - The Caledonian

Seasonal jobs are available in Housekeeping at the Waldorf Astoria Edinburgh.  This is a good way to gain work experience and receive pay at National Living Wage rate (£7.83 per hour regardless of age) during the summer.  Free meals and uniform are provided.  Shifts are flexible On Thursday 14th June the hotel will be holding an open interview for interested students.  This will run from 15.30 until 17.00.  Ask at reception for Maggie (Executive Housekeeper). Housekeeping is the team that keeps rooms shining and guests smiling year-round.  They work tirelessly to ensure that rooms, linens and puplic areas are spotlessly clean and ready to impress guests. For further details, visit - HOT057J7 or contact


Cornerstone are looking for volunteers to help out locally at the Canalside Day Centre service.  Canalside is a day centre service providing support to adults over 65 years with dementia or other support needs in the South West area of Edinburgh.  Located in Wester Hailes, the service offers support with daily living skills, reducing social isolation and helping to maintain or improve mobility and independence. Cornerstone are looking for volunteers who are 16 years or older with a passion for improving the care and support of older adults with dementia.  Volunteers will be required to join the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (PVG) scheme, the cost of which would be covered by Cornerstone.  Any travel expenses incurred while travelling to and from Canalside would also be reimbursed by Cornerstone. Volunteering at Canalside provides a fantastic opportunity to gain some experience with working in the care sector and would look great on any CV or application for fur...


Choosing the Life You Lead Leading the Life You Choose Calling all S2 to S6 Pupils to ENGAGE with what five top female professionals have to say about leadership, career choice and how they got where they are. Everyone welcome! ·        WHEN?               12 June 2018, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. ·        WHERE?             Best Western Braid Hills Hotel, 134 Braid Road ·        WHAT? WHO?                 Law                   Rachael Kelsey , Founding       Director, SKO Family Law  Specialists    Medicine          ...

Pathways to the Professions

Pathways to the Professions, a project which works with pupils interested in studying Law, Medicine and Vet Medicine in Edinburgh and the Lothians, is being merged with another project to form Access to the Professions with Reach Scotland.  In connection with this change, the project will no longer work with pupils from Boroughmuir High School as the focus will be on supporting pupils in schools with below-average progression rates to Higher Education. The project will, however, continue working with Boroughmuir pupils who are either: care experienced; or live in a postcode area within the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation lowest 20%. Pupils who are already signed up to Pathways to the Professions will not be removed from the records and will be able to continue taking part in Access to the Professions until they leave school or decide to withdraw from the project.


What does ZEBRA stand for? RZSS ZEBRA (Zoo Environment Behavioural Research Award) is a programme designed to give students looking to pursue a career in Biology or Science a head start. This is a chance to gain practical conservation and research skills, in keeping with the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland’s mission to “Connect People with Nature” as well as the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence. When does the ZEBRA programme run? The programme will commence at the end of October and will run each Friday afternoon from 2pm to 4pm, excluding school holidays. There will be 13 sessions between October and March. Typical daily programme Students will typically enter Edinburgh Zoo and meet at our Education Centre for a 2pm start. Each week the programme will follow the below format: 2.00pm Registration & Induction 2.15pm Conservation Research Activity 3.45pm Animal Case Study in Zoo 4.00pm End Students will be free to enter the zoo any time after 12.00pm a...